AccueilBritishness and the Three Kingdoms, 1603-1746

AccueilBritishness and the Three Kingdoms, 1603-1746

Britishness and the Three Kingdoms, 1603-1746

Issues in Historical Scholarship

*  *  *

Publié le jeudi 28 avril 2005



JANE OHLMEYER (Trinity College, Dublin): “Early Modern Ireland and the
'New British Histories': where do we go from here?”

ALLAN MACINNES (University of Aberdeen): “Scotland and Britishness,

NICHOLAS CANNY (University College, Galway): “Moving Forward from the
New British History”.

Discutants: ELIZABETH GAUDIN (Université Paris 7), ROBERT MANKIN (Université Paris 7) et ANN THOMSON (Université Paris 8)

Jeudi 12 mai à 14h
Université Paris VII, Institut Charles V, 10, rue Charles V, 75004 Paris, salle C35



  • jeudi 12 mai 2005


  • Clarisse Berthezène (Paris VII) ~
    courriel : clarisse [dot] berthezene [at] wanadoo [dot] fr
  • Laura Downs (EHESS) ~
    courriel : Laura [dot] Downs [at] ehess [dot] fr

Source de l'information

  • Clarisse Berthezène
    courriel : clarisse [dot] berthezene [at] gmail [dot] com


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« Britishness and the Three Kingdoms, 1603-1746 », Journée d'étude, Calenda, Publié le jeudi 28 avril 2005,

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